Pinemount School, Shillong

Full of life and with boundless energy, we at Campfire Trails were honoured to take out some students and teachers of Pinemount School, Shillong. They were a joy to interact with and were always ready to get to the next point or start the next activity. Much thanks goes to the intrepid and spontaneous Mrs. W. Kharkongor for taking the initiative and letting her students have such a great time! Each and every one of the great group did all the activities and many even excelled and surprised us with their natural aptitude and talent for it. It is truly a Blessing to be able to facilitate and share experiences that are Nature and Eco-friendly in Mother Nature’s backyard.
From a few natural born paddlers at kayaking to calmly confident rappellers to doing backflips off rocks into the river, we are happy to have had the time spent with each and every one of the group. If the saying, “the youth are the future” is correct, our future is safe in the hands of such wonderful personalities. Take Care, Study Hard and Stay Safe Girls – the pleasure was all ours. Cheers to the Amazing Students,  Great Teachers and Brilliant Crew – Campfire Trails thanks everybody! (or as the Pinemount Girls taught us how to say – “it was sooooo much fun no THEN!”